Below are some links we find useful

News sites

Midtjyllands Avis

Local Danish news from our home town Silkeborg


More Danish news centering around Jutland

Ekstra Bladet

More Danish news, now a bit more like the Sun. Popular but not always accurate (some pictures may offend)

BBC News

Best world and local news from UK

Weather sites

Met Office

UK weather with local forecast

Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Dansih weather with local forecast

Ancestry sites

Statens Arkiver

Free access to scanned and digitised birth, death, marriage and confirmation records as well as scanned census documents from 1787 to 1930.

The site also holds scanned and digitised records for marriages outside the church for Copenhagen etc.

Best site for reference purposes when doing your dansih ancestry

Dansk Demografisk Database

Digitised census records covering Denmark from 1769 to 1930. Not all census records are digitised but many exist and it's a highly valued tool for quickly searching for lost relatives across Denmark.

The site also includes emigration records and other reference material.